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My America Party life~~~
  작성자 : 박소희 2005-02-22

How are you guys? I’m doing well~

I was very mad because of COMPUTER……….T^T

As you know I’m easy going which means I forget any problem very quickly^^

I went to my friend’s 18th Birthday party…It was a red carpet costume party so everyone had to dress up as a movie character or a movie star^^*

Do you want to know who I was???

Umm…. That was what I wanted know!!! Haha^^*

My friend made my name was some people who is actually American actress but important thing is that I don’t know who she is. ^^;;;

Anyway It was very good time also I already sent up my pictures in menu of sangsang picture so you guys can see them. ^^

I think that I have to go back to my business…(kind of some secret!!! haha^^)

Okay~ Hopefully I can write in Korean for next time!

Thank you for reading this.

See you guys~ Take care~ Bye^^*
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